
Friday, October 18, 2013

It Can't Rain All The Time

Finally, after two years of searching I've found a job. I also think its a keeper. It's in the same field as my previous job, the pay is higher, but so is my commute distance. I was freaking out trying to find child care for my son, but I think I've figured something out. It may be short term, so we'll see.

All I know is that I report to my new job Monday, and I have somewhere for my son to be that day. One day and one step at a time right?

It feels like we're coming out of a massive storm that's just beginning to ease up. Anyway, I haven't time to write this out as eloquently as I normally would try to do. So I'll just give a sigh of relief and hope for the best come Monday.


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Blessed Be,
