
Sunday, September 11, 2011

A favourite pagan holiday that you celebrate.

Hands down it is Samhain (Oct 31-Nov 1) that is my favorite Pagan holiday. It is the last of the Harvest celebrations and one I'm always looking forward to. It is a time to mark the death of the God and the coming rebirth. Samhain is a time to honor our ancestors. They say this time is the thinnest between the veil of this world and the next. Divination is often done at this time to see what the winter might bring and commune with lost loved ones.

Some of my favorite past experiences at Samhain have been a re birthing ritual. Until I moved, we joined up with Linda Tipton and her coven Circle of the Blue Moon to do a Samhain celebration. We were made to walk along a path lit by tea light candles alone. This walk was very spiritual for everyone. In the end of the path was Ms Linda doing one reading for each person. You could ask one question of her. At the end you were "reborn" to the new year. I loved doing this. And I think it really marked a changing point in my spiritual life. I'll keep what I asked to myself. ;)

But we've had our fun times too. I remember several members drinking a little too much homemade mead. My husband played the designated friend and made sure no one fell into fire pits. He picked up quite a few people passed out in the bushes!

One year, it was so cold at Samhain (We always camped out) that we had to leave. It really isn't smart to camp out at the end of October. That year it was bitter cold. We got to a point where Lance and I could no longer feel our feet even while standing next to the open fire. So we left, found a hotel and came back the next day. I got pregnant that spring, so we never did another camping in October; especially with the baby around. We did visit for the days however. When we returned to work we were laughing at ourselves and quite a few people heard the story. To this day there is a UPS worker who reminds us of camping in October when he sees us.

Samhain is just a great time to celebrate family, the death and rebirth of life, and the changing of the seasons. Its a favorite of many Wiccans and its not hard to see why. We dance, we laugh, we sing and praise the Lord and Lady. And we remember those who have left us this year.

Blessings, Love, and Light

1 comment:

  1. Samhain is #1 in my book! That ritual yall performed does sound very beautiful. :-) ~)O(~



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