
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Ladies Settee. Introducing a New Blog of Mine

It's not often that I spend money on myself. I think I have a 10 yr old bra that barely fits me and is falling apart. I won't spend the $20 to buy a new one. I always feel guilty when I buy for myself even if I need it because I know there is so much more we need. Yes I'm big on self-sacrifice. It's what my mother taught me when she fed me before her self. It's one of the things I know she did right.

Once in awhile though, I splurge on myself. A girl has to keep herself happy and sane right? I wrote before about waist training. I said I wanted to try it, and the feedback I received was a mixture of opinions. There's a lot of negative connotations associated with corsetry. Many see it as a torture device. Some see it as a naughty little garment meant to be kept only in the bedroom. Well it is a garment, but it's no more naughty than my 10 year old bra. It's also not a torture device. As a matter of fact, it shouldn't hurt when wearing it. If it does hurt, you've laced too tightly.

I bought a corset from eBay a few months ago. See my post here about that experience. Needless to say, I don't recommend buying a corset on eBay. I have bought another corset from Corset UK, which I am eagerly awaiting it's arrival.

I'm not sure if there are many who visit this blog who are interested in corsetry and waist training, but if you are please follow me on my other blog.

Click the image to visit The Ladies Settee


Your comments encourage me to keep writing! Thank you for visiting and sharing your thoughts with me.

Blessed Be,
