
Saturday, December 9, 2017

Yule Ritual

The Quarters

All hail the Northern darkened Earth resting deeply in silence and mystery. I awaken thee and call you here to witness this rite. Join us and be blessed.  [Colors: Brown]

All hail the Eastern skies of wind and storm. Bring with your winds the essence of pine and new growth. Settle here and witness this rite. Join us and be blessed.  [Colors: yellow or black]

All hail the Southern flames. Warm our hearts and bring with you the first glint of light as you witness this rite. Join us and be blessed.  [Colors: Red]

All hail the Western lakes and frozen streams. We welcome your waters as you witness this rite. May your waters soon flow warm and with bounty. Join us and be blessed. [Colors: Blue or yellow]

I invoke thee, o Lord and Lady. I invite you to attend and bless us. Our Circle is cast. (Light Silver & Gold Candles. You may wish to place these candles in a yule log)

On this, the longest winter night, we honor the rest only darkness can bring. We welcome the crone, in her wisdom, as we enter the time our land sleeps in its darkened promise.

For hail and well met, the Sun is reborn this night and brings the birth of new beginnings.

What beginnings do you wish to manifest in your life? The Suns rebirth brings transformation into our lives. Think about how your life can transform from the darkness...into the light.

Each of you, call your spirit guide. Join us and witness and guide us to new beginnings and growth in the coming seasons.

<Each call our guides>
I call the dragonfly whose power is in transformation. Help me to dig deeper into myself and reveal the emotions that lay dormant. I welcome your power of change as I adapt and form into a better version of myself.

If you do not know your guide, as that your guide attend you and reveal themselves. 

As we chase away the darkness so to I ask our troubles to go with the darkness. For with renewed light we have renewed life.

The Yule Tide Wishing Pot

Pick an oil such as pine, frankensense, juniper, sweet orange, or clove. In a large pan combine the oil and 1 cup water. Add orange peel, pine cones, poinsettia flowers, or evergreen needles to the water. (May prepare before ceremony) 

Brothers and Sisters, I ask you now to write one goal and one wish you would like to manifest into your life. Close your eyes and envision yourself manifesting this reality into your life as you place your wish in the wishing pot. (Dig a hole before ceremony in a sacred place)

Place the contents of the pot into the hole and say these words. 

I consecrate these offerings unto they mother's womb. May they bear fruit. Blessed Be.

All hail the Northern Earth, now lightened by the birth of our suns love. I thank you for witnessing this rite. As I release you, go in blessings of love and light.

All hail the Eastern Skies; now calmed and serene. I thank you for witnessing this rite. As I release you go in blessings of love and light.

All hail the Southern flames. As I extinguish your flame, your smoke continues to carry our words here today with you. Thank you for witnessing this rite. As I release you go in blessings of love and light.

All hail the Western lakes and frozen streams. May your waters continue to flow and nurture the land. Thank you for witnessing this rite. As I release you go in blessings of love and light.

I bid you farewell Lord and Lady. Stay if you will, go if you must. Blessings, Love, and Light to all. 


Your comments encourage me to keep writing! Thank you for visiting and sharing your thoughts with me.

Blessed Be,
