
Sunday, June 23, 2013

PBP: My Midsummer

Litha Comments & Graphics

Pagan Blog Prompts: Litha

Litha is the summer solstice and happens roughly around June 21-23rd every year. I know this prompt is late (I am posting on behalf of Shauna who is on hiatus), but what did you all do to celebrate Litha yesterday? Do you have any specific traditions? Did you celebrate solitary, with a coven, with friends, with your family?
Enjoy blogging this week about midsummer and what it means to you! 

Magickal Graphics
I wanted to wait until nightfall to take a picture of the full super moon. However nature has worked against me. It is cloudy outside and storming a bit. So I unfortunately can't give you a good picture of the moon. 
I actually celebrated Litha on the 21st, which in hindsight was a good thing because part of my ritual was completed outside. 
So what does Midsummer mean to me? Well quite simply, we are in the middle or high point of the year. This is a time of great energy that can be utilized for just about any type of ritual you want to perform.  My own ritual involved deep meditation. I needed to reflect on my life thus far and ask myself some pretty important questions. I wish I had better answers. But I was reminded that kids only ask questions over and over and expect a different answer. Patience is a virtue that I have not gained yet. 
The second part of my ritual was to write a letter to God and Goddess. This is getting back to my roots. As a young girl I remember writing many letters. Back then I wasn't clear on who I was writing to, but I felt compelled to put my words to paper. Writing made me feel like I was conversing with a close friend. The letter was either kept tucked away in a private spot or I destroyed it by fire or burying it. Tonight I chose to burn it, which was the outdoor part of my ritual. 
My ritual is simplistic, but effective. Which pretty much sums up my ritual style. 
Have a wonderful Litha everyone! 


Your comments encourage me to keep writing! Thank you for visiting and sharing your thoughts with me.

Blessed Be,
