
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Imitation The Best Form Of Flattery?

They say imitation is the best form of flattery, except when that imitation is out to prey on the unsuspecting.

First let me say that I have been a minister since 2003 of the Universal Life Church. I was ordained through ULC.net, which is an official branch of the ULC headquarters located in Modesto, CA.

However when I first became ordained, it was only luck that I found the right ULC to become ordained under. Unfortunately there are those who do not uphold Kirby Hensley's vision of a free and ethical church. There are some who call themselves the "real" ULC that will try to charge you out the wazoo for ordination and bad mouth ULC.net, and Modesto. 

Recently I was contacted by a representative of a break-away Universal Life Group calling themselves a world headquarters located in Florida. This person has been banned from my blog. I just want to warn others out there who are seeking ordination to be careful. ULC.net is completely safe and if you have any questions, you can always email me. 

For more information read, "The Truth About Universal Life Church."

My email


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Blessed Be,
