
Saturday, April 4, 2015

Spring Celebration:Hiding the Goodies

Hello Everybody!

I bet you think I jumped off the face of the Earth. Well, I'm here.I decided to go offline for awhile. I'm still off most of the time. I did figure out I can make my phone a hot spot though. Which gives me email, FB and basic internet on my tablet. So good enough. 

Today we are celebrating Easter/Spring Equinox (So other family can be with us) with a little tradition my mother reminded me about. She use to hide our baskets in the house, sit back, and let us kids try to find them. I felt it was torture, she thought it was a morning of hilarity. 

I decided to write a little poem that I will recite to the kids just before I turn them loose in the house to hunt their prey. I hope you like it. 

Dear Children, 

I was reminded that your grandmother was devious. She sat and watched as her children got serious. We pleaded and pried, but no candy was in sight. Oh how I hated your grandmother, alright.
Now my children you see, I’m the mom and its time to play. I get to eat, watch and plan devious ways. For your candy is hidden, and I won’t tell you which way. 
So go find it I say. Look every which way. High and Low, Momma likes it this way. 
No pleading, no prying, no hints for you. Its more devious you see. Don’t forget to thank grandma too.
-Robin LC


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Blessed Be,
