Wednesday, June 22, 2016
May the Actions I take Today, Bring a Better Tomorrow
Posted by
Salem Witch Child
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
May the Actions I take Today, Bring a Better Tomorrow
Salem Witch Child
Pagan prayer|
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Pagan prayer
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
How do your beliefs benefit you and society?
How do your beliefs benefit you and society?
This question was asked by SisterSolome on the forum. It's inspired me to think, and to write.
My first reaction was that my beliefs don't really benefit anyone. I'm not rich because I'm Wiccan. I can't caste a magick spell to win the lotto, no matter how much I've tried! The Universe doesn't work like that. If life were suppose to be easy for me, I'd have been born rich, or led a life that came to that end result. I realized I was thinking in terms of the material however.
Taking into account the definition of "benefit: as verb (used with object), benefited or benefited, benefiting or do good to; be of service to:a health program to benefit everyone.I have to say that I have certainly benefited. To be of service is certainly something that rings as important in my life. I'm drawn to helping others, to heal when I can, and to help teach. I hope that this blog has been a benefit to others, just as I have benefited from the various Pagan blogs I follow. The love of the Goddess is certainly a benefit for me. She helps guide, protect and comfort me when I need her love.
What about you? What benefit does your beliefs bring to your life and to society?
Posted by
Salem Witch Child
Wednesday, March 02, 2016
How do your beliefs benefit you and society?
Salem Witch Child
Pagan|spiritual benefits|Ulc|Universal Life Church|Wiccan|
Comments (1)

spiritual benefits,
Universal Life Church,
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Evoking Positive Change: College Bound
Like a butterfly in transformation, I too am changing. That change is for the better I hope. At the end of my journey I hope to be a better wife, mother, and professional person. I've enrolled in college again. When I was a senior in high school, I wasn't like the other students. I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up! I had no goals and no hope for the future. All I knew, is that I loved one man and couldn't wait to start my life with him.
I still love that man, but I need something else in my life. I need a career, not just a job. I need to provide for my family with more than just meeting the basic demands of life. I've tried once before and failed, but you know what they say, try try again. So on March 14th, I begin my first classes toward a degree in Health Information Management.
Lets keep the positive energy flowing. What goals have you set for yourself and what actions have you taken to meet them?
Posted by
Salem Witch Child
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Evoking Positive Change: College Bound
Salem Witch Child
change|college|HIM|positive energy|
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positive energy
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Pagan New Year Resolutions
Who doesn't love a fresh new start? That's what's exciting about a new year. Anything can happen! Hopefully new positive change is on its way. Now that you've had a couple days to reflect and recover from the parties, have you reviewed your past resolutions? Did you achieve your goals?
I know some of them I did, some of them I didn't; and that's ok! Just because a year has past doesn't mean there's an expiration date on your goals. They're like roll over minutes. ;) As long as you keep working toward that goal, you're achieving it!
So do you have any spiritual related resolutions? I spoke in my last post about how I felt I was losing myself a bit. 2015 was a hard year for me. Due to severe migraines and suffering a hemorrhagic bleed, I gave up writing. I couldn't stand to look at a computer screen once I got home from work, let alone think of witty, substantial topics to write about. No worries, my brain is just fine. My migraines are under control with medication. I do have to do some testing to see if I have an underlying condition that caused the bleed, but I doubt it will be anything.
What I do have to do, is get back to my old self! Recovering from a brain bleed, however minor, is still a long process. So my first goal, is to get back to writing! I love to write, and I hope that my topics bring something to your life you enjoy.
Secondly , I need to meditate daily. This is something I've been telling myself I don't have time for because of children and a crazy house. But if I can eek out 10 minutes of quiet time it can be done. It doesn't have to be much. :)
3rd and final goal, is to stop being so negative. I think I've become a bit of a grouch. It probably came with the non stop migraines I had for years. Pain can make you bitchy. I think more positive energy needs to be drawn to this household.
What about you my lovelys? Share with me your resolutions, goals, or just your thoughts.
I know some of them I did, some of them I didn't; and that's ok! Just because a year has past doesn't mean there's an expiration date on your goals. They're like roll over minutes. ;) As long as you keep working toward that goal, you're achieving it!
So do you have any spiritual related resolutions? I spoke in my last post about how I felt I was losing myself a bit. 2015 was a hard year for me. Due to severe migraines and suffering a hemorrhagic bleed, I gave up writing. I couldn't stand to look at a computer screen once I got home from work, let alone think of witty, substantial topics to write about. No worries, my brain is just fine. My migraines are under control with medication. I do have to do some testing to see if I have an underlying condition that caused the bleed, but I doubt it will be anything.
What I do have to do, is get back to my old self! Recovering from a brain bleed, however minor, is still a long process. So my first goal, is to get back to writing! I love to write, and I hope that my topics bring something to your life you enjoy.
Secondly , I need to meditate daily. This is something I've been telling myself I don't have time for because of children and a crazy house. But if I can eek out 10 minutes of quiet time it can be done. It doesn't have to be much. :)
3rd and final goal, is to stop being so negative. I think I've become a bit of a grouch. It probably came with the non stop migraines I had for years. Pain can make you bitchy. I think more positive energy needs to be drawn to this household.
What about you my lovelys? Share with me your resolutions, goals, or just your thoughts.
Posted by
Salem Witch Child
Sunday, January 03, 2016
Pagan New Year Resolutions
Salem Witch Child
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Blessed Be,
Blessed Be,