
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Recycled Craftiness - Stale Bread Makeover

I love it when I can take something that would end up being trash and make it into something new and interesting. Last week I baked a honey sunflower seed bread. It was yummy, but I made two loaves and that ended up being too much. Normally it would just get thrown away. But I'm an avid fan of Food Network and they always give tips on what you can do with stale bread.

One of those tips is to make bread pudding. Now honestly when my mother made bread pudding when I was a kid I hated it. But I think that's just because my mother is an even worse cook than I am. It was always runny and tasted like uncooked egg. So I make a point to try things I once thought gross, as long as my mother isn't cooking it. *wink*

I think I did an even better job than she would have. Its too hot yet so I haven't gotten a chance to taste it, but it looks delicious.

UPDATE: We've tried it and we all love it. Yay. Though I do wish I had put cinnamon and brown sugar on top. So I'm happy to have learned a little more about cooking today and added another recipe to my repertoire. 

My Bread Pudding. It looks yummy!
I love getting recipes from Allrecipes.com. So here's the one I followed.

Bread Pudding II Recipe


  • 6 slices day-old bread
  • 2 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 1/2 cup raisins (optional) - I left this out since my bread had sunflower seeds in it.
  • 4 eggs, beaten
  • 2 cups milk
  • 3/4 cup white sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
  2. Break bread into small pieces into an 8 inch square baking pan. Drizzle melted butter or margarine over bread. If desired, sprinkle with raisins.
  3. In a medium mixing bowl, combine eggs, milk, sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla. Beat until well mixed. Pour over bread, and lightly push down with a fork until bread is covered and soaking up the egg mixture.
  4. Bake in the preheated oven for 45 minutes, or until the top springs back when lightly tapped. 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Veterans & Family

Thank you veterans and their families for the sacrifices made. May the Lord and Lady bless you all.

Have a wonderful Memorial day.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Its Just a Bell

In my car I have a pentacle with bells on it hanging from my mirror. I use it as my protection charm. Every time it rings I consider it a message that the Lord and Lady has protected myself and car from danger.

My daughter was playing with it yesterday and I reminded her that spiritual things are not toys and shouldn't be played with. Then she responded with, how is it more than just a bell?

Well I went through the whole speech about it being a spiritual protection symbol. She thought about that for a few minutes and then said, "You know mom its just a bell, it can't protect you."

I have such a literal child. I know she's only 10, but when it comes to all things spiritual she seems more atheist than anything. I've always believed in allowing children to make up their own mind. But while she was younger we kept our religious practices separate from her. I just didn't want her to go repeating what she saw at school and be made fun of, or worse you hear horror stories of teachers calling home asking questions.I also didn't want to brainwash or influence her decision too much.

Maybe I should have been more open. Maybe I should have included her from the start. I don't know. But I do hope eventually she will start to question it more. She has participated a few times and enjoyed it. She loves when I do a ritual and can help me.

Do you believe in allowing children to find their own path or do you raise them as (insert your religion here)?

Friday, May 25, 2012

Up and Down on this Rollercoaster called Life

Pain is a good thing right? It means your still alive at least. Today has been a great and a not so great day. Around noon I made lunch. My favorite, macaroni and cheese. The kind with the powdered cheese. You know the really crappy stuff. For some reason I was craving it with lots of butter. Shortly thereafter, I began to have a toothache. You know it really sucks when you're trying to entertain a toddler and your teeth hurt. Especially when that toddler loves to smack you in the face.

I make it a few hours with mild pain before my whole left side of my face began to hurt. It was so bad it radiated to my left eye and ear. I was gargling with antiseptic mouth wash. If I wasn't alone with Wyatt I think I would have drowned myself in whiskey just to reach oblivion. Thankfully my MIL and FIL didn't go to work today. They came home at 3pm and at 4 I made my FIL take me to urgent care where they gave me some pain meds for the time being. Now its just a dull ache. On June 7th I have my surgery to remove all my teeth and then get dentures. I really really want June 7th to hurry up and get here. I am afraid of surgery, and morn the loss of all my teeth. But its for the best.

On happier news, Dh has a job! On Wednesday he goes for orientation to be hired full time with Goodwill. The hours are minimal and the pay sucks, but at least its a job. Maybe we are finally pulling ourselves out of this hole. One can only hope!

And now, here's a song that I think describes my day pretty well.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Reluctant Viking by Sandra Hill

By now most of my regular readers probably know I'm a sucker for sappy romances. So when my daughter and I took a trip Friday to the public library I found this gem in its romance section. Most historical romances deal with 1800 England or Native Americans. Nothing wrong with those settings, but I find anything dealing with characters older than the 1800's can get a little...bossy. Male chauvinist pig was used quite a few times in Sandra Hills book, and rightly so! That's why I have a love/hate relationship with characters that are apart of a society I'd probably hate if I actually had to live in their time. When writing my own romances I try to avoid these characters because I just don't see them as very lovable. I suppose everyone has their tastes, but I'm a stubborn woman. If a man tried to force his seduction on me, I'd see it as rape. I'd sooner cut off his balls than allow him to seduce me. I suppose that's not very romantic is it. lol.

But on to the book review.

Ruby is a modern woman with a problem. Her marriage of 20 years has just broken up. When she selects one of her husbands meditation CD's to relax and think, she goes on a time-traveling journey to 925 A.D in the Viking city of Jorvik. There Ruby meets Thork, who is the doppelganger to her husband Jack. Ruby takes this new Viking specimen of her husband as a sign to re-do her life and make her marriage work. Along the way she has to convince Thork that she is his soul mate. The Reluctant Viking teaches us to slow down and appreciate life, because there may not be a tomorrow, and there are no do overs in real life.

If you like overbearing oafs who eventually realize how wonderful loving a good woman can be, I highly recommend you buy The Reluctant Viking, or check it out at your local library.

Birthday Pictures

Well my pretties I've had my head in a book most of the weekend. The other day my daughter wanted something to do so we took a trip to the public library. You know I just couldn't walk out of there with at least 5 things to read.

We had Wyatt's birthday party on Saturday. He seemed to really enjoy it. He had a smash cake, which immediately got smashed to pieces. I can see it was well named. lol

I've been thinking about what's next for writing, and I'm coming up blank for topics. Anyone have any suggestions? I'd love to hear them.

Without further ado. Here's Wyatt's birthday pictures.

Just hanging out in the yard waiting for daddy to come home so we could start the party.

The cupcake and smashcake

Wyatt gets to see his cake for the first time. I really wish I was able to catch his expression because it was priceless! Too bad I had the wrong angle.

Mmm. Smashcake!

Yummy frosting

Ta-da! I'm all messy and ready to open presents.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Wyatt!

A year ago today I was terrified and laid out like a suckling pig on the surgery table allowing a near stranger to cut me open. But it was all for a good cause. Wyatt Eldon Carpenter was born at 9am on May 18th 2011 via c-section. Happy 1st birthday to my little man! Also, a big congrats to myself for successfully breastfeeding for one year! :) It was a rough start but we finally made it through. (And we won't be weaning).

Here's a picture journey through the year.

The Beginning

September 8th 2010. Were pregnant!
Our Little bean. DH swears he saw the face of Gene Simmons in this picture. I think its just wishful thinking.

36 weeks pregnant. Huge and hoping it ends soon.
4D ultrasound. I got a lot of ultrasounds because Wyatt was HUGE and didn't want to come out.
41 weeks 2 days pregnant. Day before c-section.

The Birth

Our first moments. Welcome to the world my little man!
Sister gets to meet little bro.
Wyatt Eldon. 10.1 lbs and 23 inches long

Daddy & Wyatt meet for the first time.

Baby Grows

First day home.

Thumbs up mom. I look cool!
Where's mom daddy?

The whole family.

First toy! Meet Mortimer the moose.

My handsome little man.


He stole my baby blues!

The rest looks like all daddy.

Grandma knows how to have fun.

Enjoying a little down time with mom.


Grandpa and Baby man helps with the Christmas lights.

What's the flashy thing mom?

Cousin Joe came to visit.

This is the life right here. So comfy!
The birthday party will be this Saturday so the grandparents can be here. Rest assured there will be lots of birthday pictures posted later. Enjoy these for now.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

PBP: Light & Dark

Prompt: Light and Dark

How do you balance Light and Dark in your Path?

There's lots of angels to take with this, depending on what you choose to apply it to. Should be interesting to see what you have to share on this topic....

You know I find this to be a very good question, especially for Wiccans because I think we tend to focus more on the positive and less on the negative. Which IMO isn't particularly a bad thing, but it isn't balanced. I do try to bring in masculine energy in my rituals. I associate light with feminine energy (the Goddess) and dark with masculine energy (God). 

Right now I know my energy is in a dark place. Its not often I fall into depression, but my living situation and our lack of options has really brought me down lately. So I'm embracing it for now because these feelings are natural. I know eventually things will turn up and I'll be happy once again. But for now the dark calls to me. 

Lately Dragonflies have been on my mind. I don't know why, but while driving or just sitting here thinking I find myself drawn to them. I'm even thinking of redoing my blogs layout to include dragonflies. The meaning of dragonflies seem to depend on what part of the continent your on. But here is what I've found. 

Maturity and a Depth of character
The dragonfly, in almost every part of the world symbolizes change and change in the perspective of self realization; and the kind of change that has its source in mental and emotional maturity and the understanding of the deeper meaning of life.

The traditional association of Dragonflies with water also gives rise to this meaning to this amazing insect. The Dragonfly’s scurrying flight across water represents an act of going beyond what’s on the surface and looking into the deeper implications and aspects of life.

Sticky Art Studio. Dragonfly Yin/Yang
Now that I read the symbology associated with the dragonfly I have no doubt that this lovely creature is a new totem for me. It may not be a lifelong totem, but its message of change and self realization call to me.

But I suppose I've gotten a little of topic. Darkness of mind is where I am at the moment. And I try to balance the light and dark by embracing both. All things in moderation right? I don't feel guilty if all I can do is sit on the couch and watch re-runs all day. I may need to go to the store but as long as their is food in the house it's not an emergency. One more day of eating leftovers is fine by me.


Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mothers Day

So today was a wonderful mothers day. DH and DD bought a necklace for each of us. One says grandma, another says mom and the other daughter. So we each have an identical necklace. I received lots of pampering, hugs and kisses. So come to think of it, it was just like any other day!

Blessings and Love to All Mothers

Mother's Day
~Magickal Graphics~
Zen Tea Tree MotherS Day Gift Basket 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Essential Presence

Em over on Pagan Presence is a lovely crafty witchy lady who did a giveaway. The prize was a choice of three different food scrubs. I was the lucky winner and I picked the Lavender & sweet orange foot scrub. I must say, it smells good enough to eat. Even my  husband commented that he thought it smelled great. Which is an accomplishment because he hates the scent of all my skin care products.

I used the scrub last night on my feet and my arms. They are nice and smooth and no more dry skin. Yay for being able to wear sandals without the worry of someone staring at my cracked feet. Though I do have a tip for you. If you are fair skinned like I am and dumb enough to be outside the entire day without sunscreen, don't use the scrub on your sun burns. It really doesn't feel good! Though my arms are smooth. Whats a little pain for beauty right? lol

If you'd like to try these scrubs out for yourself you can visit Essential Presence Etsy Store.  Drop by Em's blog and follow her page. I'm sure she has some interesting skin care products in the works. Maybe if we ask nicely she'll do another giveaway. :)

Friday, May 11, 2012

One is The Magic Number

Warning: If you have a queasy stomach or have a problem talking about poop, you don't want to read. 

So my darling child who has an angelic face with a beautiful smile has learned a new way to annoy mommy. You know its so interesting the way you can see little similarities in your children. They really affirm that they are your children and the hospital didn't mix them up! Not that I was worried about that, but I think switched at birth haunts all mommies.

I look up from my computer yesterday because baby man was being too quiet. Its always a bad sign when a child is being quiet in my opinion. So I look up and he's actually behaving. He's just standing there watching me. But then I look down, and I see a little man worm that should be covered up! "Holy moly where did that diaper go?!" was my first thought. My second thought was, "I hope it wasn't poopy again!". I was unfortunately disappointed. Though surprised he hadn't made a bigger mess. I think he'd just taken it off. But I grabbed him and like a military leader instructing her troops, I told hubby to clean up the baby while I tackled the playpen. Of course by this time baby man is happily streaking through the house naked. Maybe he wants to practice rituals skyclad? lol Either way he was very happy to be rid of that cumbersome diaper. So happy in fact he took it off again this morning.

My daughter did a similar thing when she was about one yr old also. Except she was much worse. She was in her crib and had taken it off sometime in the middle of the night. She had poop all over the wall, on her crib, in her hair, on her hands and yes, even in her mouth. YUK. I don't gag at the sight or smell of many things, but I did that day. They are definitely sister and brother. One day when I'm old and grey I'm sure I'll laugh happily as I embarrass my children with tales of their poopy adventures. But for now, this mommy is just hoping not to have a repeat of yesterday.

And speaking of One, Wyatt has a birthday coming up on the 18th. I can't believe he's almost 1 yr old! Time fly's when your having fun.

Prince Lionheart Diaper Depot

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Be Careful What You Witch For

So today I was thinking about an old spell I did and I thought it would be a good lesson to blog about. I am a healer and so it hurts me when I see those that I am closest to in pain. My husband is Bipolar as well as having various physical ailments. Several years ago I had the bright idea (I.E. stupid idea) to cast a spell helping to carry his burden of pain when it became too much for him. So I set my alter up, had my various healing herbs and candles and cast my spell. What followed was nothing. Or so I thought it was just another dud spell that didn't work the way I intended it to. Hey it happens to us all.

I worded my spell so that when my DH felt too overwhelmed and unable to go on that I'd "carry the burden". Meaning I'd feel his pain. I knew it probably wasn't the greatest idea I had, but just getting rid of his pain wasn't working. DH was convinced that the pain isn't suppose to go away and he's somehow meant to suffer. So I was desperate to help.

Over the weeks nothing happened and all was relatively normal. Then I noticed I began to get a little depressed. It was only for an hour or two and also coincided with DH first saying his head was too much, and then his moods leveling out and he'd mention he felt almost normal. During this time I'd become depressed, mad, and downright crazy. I didn't connect the two (Honestly I forgot about the spell by this time) till DH and I had our one and only fight that almost broke us up. Then I finally connected the dots I could see how subtle the spell was and how well it actually worked.

After explaining to my husband about the spell and why my head went a bit freaky, he insisted I reverse the spell and never do healing work for him again. I broke my cardinal rule. Never attempt a healing without permission, and never keep anyone's pain.   

But if I had it all to do over again, I'd repeat my mistakes. Yes it almost cost me my marriage and made me seriously insane for awhile. But it also taught me a lot about energy healing and about what my husband feels every single day. I have more patience and empathy for him now that I know what it means when he says he's angry for no reason. That was a foreign concept to me before the spell.

So my lesson for today. Don't be afraid to make mistakes as long as you learn something from them. And its probably not a good idea to forget you cast for something, even if you think it didn't work. A week, or a month, or even a year later you might be pleasantly (or not so pleasantly) surprised.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

My Lady Moon

I wanted to give you a spectacular picture of the moon tonight. However my photography skills and my camera suck. So you'll just have to make due with this. If it makes you feel any better (It does for me slightly) I stole the batteries from an extra remote control so I could take this picture. I haven't taken a picture in several weeks because I had taken two batteries out of my camera to put in my wireless mouse. Yeah I really need to buy batteries!

Anyway, I won't bore you with the small nonsense details of my life anymore. Here's tonight's full moon.

At least give me credit for a picture in focus. Took me 12 pictures to get a good one. 

My Lady Moon. Taken May 6th by RobinLC in Waverly, Ohio.

Anyone have any special tips or tricks for taking pictures of a full moon?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Life Without Mom

You ever wonder how life would go on without a mother in  your life? I'm pretty sure I could survive without my own mother. But I don't believe my family would survive without me. As a matter of fact, I fully believe they'd be lost.

Morpheus - The Dream by ~Shelob-

Not that I have any wish to go anywhere. But once in awhile I need a mommy break. So my routine is after dinner I take a 1-2 hour nap while everyone else is doing their own thing in the living room. If I didn't do this I'd be one very cranky witchy momma - which is not a pretty sight.

Mainly DH plays on Facebook, my DD watches TV, and my little man gets in trouble. Yesterday he got in particularly big trouble. See my daughter thought it would be nice to give my toddler son his sippy bottle. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, however my son has discovered he can make puddles of water if he bends the nipple on the sippy. He did this yesterday, on top of the cable box. Needless to say it was toast. Thankfully no major catastrophe happened. But I had to go buy a new cable box for my MIL. Ah the joys of parenting!

It makes me wonder during my little rendezvous with sweet sweet Morpheus if my children aren't just on their own. Obviously some lack of supervision happened yesterday. While I'd like to put all blame squarely on my husbands shoulders, I know it won't do any good because he is who he is and its futile for any woman to try to change a man.

Still, I hope some lesson has come out of this. For one, get a new sippy that doesn't leak (IF they exist). Two, find a new place for the cable box.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Have a Wonderful Beltane!

Well everyone its that time again. One of my favorite times is May 1st! Beltane is the celebration of halfway between Spring/Summer. It's time of fertility and quite frankly, getting it on! Those who are trying to conceive, this is the Universes fertile time so pretend your bunnies and chain your LO to the bed. hehe.

Magaly over on Pagan Culture mentioned she's feeling a bit...er... frisky. Those that are sensitive to the Universal Energy might also feel the same. Nothing wrong with indulging, just be careful for those of you not wanting a child in the next 9 months. Thankfully I'm covered. Doc did away with my baby making capabilities for good. Woo hoo for no need for birth control. :)

So what are you doing today to celebrate May day? Right now I'm baking Oatmeal raisin cookies. Later I'll be setting up a prosperity alter. Its a great time to draw new opportunities to you.

Enjoy the day and don't forget to dance!


Your comments encourage me to keep writing! Thank you for visiting and sharing your thoughts with me.

Blessed Be,
