
Thursday, March 8, 2012

PBP: Illness

Prompt: Illness

With me catching some crazy weird cold this week, sickness has been on the mind....
How do you deal with illness?
Does being sick hinder your magic work?
Do you employ magic to make yourself healthy again?
What about others? Do you work magic to heal other people?

Divider Graphics
~Magickal Graphics~

Thankfully I'm not often sick. Sometimes I think I might need people from the best nursing schools to help me. But I use a combination of modern medicine and herbal medicine. Usually an illness makes my energy and focus decline so I don't attempt anything major. What I do use is visualization. If I can I'll sit and meditate and visualize the illness leaving my body and my aura cleansing. I have some success with this, all depending on how well I can focus. 
When others are sick I approach the same way as well. A combination of modern, herbal and energy work. As a healer I don't heal others unless asked. I feel its an invasion of privacy. But if asked yes I will do an energy healing.


Your comments encourage me to keep writing! Thank you for visiting and sharing your thoughts with me.

Blessed Be,
